Posing 101

Mastering a camera is one thing -- mastering to pose is a completely different beast. But, don't worry! Here are a few ideas you can use to pose your models at your next shoot -- don't be afraid to get creative!

1. Touch the sky

For this pose, instruct your model to stand with one hand on their hip, the other above their head as if they are blocking the sunlight. Then, instruct them to slightly tilt their head upwards enough so there is a shadow being cast on their face. Note a shadow will only appear in direct sunlight.

2. Crouch and smile

Have your model crouch down and, for more depth of field have them stand in some brush or bush (be careful of bugs or ticks!). Then, they can place a hand under their chin and smile, or rest their hands on their knees.

3. Fun & Floral

For this pose, have your model sit on the ground with their legs crossed or straight in front of them. They can relax one arm on their legs and the other holding a flower up to their eye!

4. In the distance

Have your model relax and cross their arms or lay them at their side. Then, they should move their head, looking off in the distance and smiling.

5. Shower & Scrub

Tell your model to imagine their are scrubbing their arm with soap behind their head. It also makes it more flattering if they cross their legs in front of eachother, and ensure that their arms are not too stiff and look relaxed. Then, they can either smile at the camera or look off into the distance.

6. Too close for comfort

Don't be afraid to get close! For up-close poses, try out new angles. For this shot, have your model sit facing forward, then twist their head to the side a bit and lightly lay their hand on their chin and stare at the camera.

BRowse through some more ideas below!